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Faye Luke

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Remembering Faye Luke


As many of you are aware we lost our dearly loved Wife, Mum and Gran, Faye Luke, on 31st March 2021. Mum was diagnosed with Brain Cancer in June 2018 and fought this disease head on with bravery, courage, strength and determination. 
In lieu of flowers we would appreciate your donation in memory of Faye, to enable further research into this disease with the hope that other people and families may receive hope and a positive prognosis when faced with this disease. Mum was passionate about trying all treatment currently available not just to help her own journey but that of others. There has been promising research over the past 12 months in particular and your donation will contribute to continue the research to find a cure for this devastating disease.
The Luke family thank you for your love of Mum and your donation in her memory. 
You can show your support by making a secure donation.
We would also really appreciate it if you could share this page above or comment below so more people know about it.  
Click 'Donate' to make a secure online donation. 
Thanks so much for your support!

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Flinders Foundation

At Flinders Foundation, our purpose is you.
We want you, our community, to live a longer and happier life.
That’s why every day, our team works to support the leading clinicians and researchers across Flinders Medical Centre and Flinders University to deliver better research, treatment, and care, and ensure they are equipped with the latest technology, in the best environment. From cancer and mental health, to neonatal care, and everything in between – we’re working together to prevent, cure and care.
View our website for more information about Flinders Foundation.

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